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YYCTOURS is Calgary's Only Locally Owned and Operated Craft Tour and Charter Service Provider .

YYCTOURS and Charters offer a wide range of services for Calgary and its visitors. Calgary Tours and Charters

AT YYCTOURS our goal is to bring all of Calgary's, (and Alberta's), great craft producers together in one place in an effort to showcase and highlight all the wonderful products, events and initiatives they have to offer. At YYCTOURS, we provide more than just tours, with up-to-date brewery maps, honest and unsponsored reviews, judging tutorials, product history and stories and even private shuttles and charters for any event. 



-We used to brew beer at home and had 4 taps in our kitchen.

-We have travelled more than 200,000 km. across the US and Canada stopping at hundreds of great breweries along the way.

-We are entry level cicerones and are studying to become international beer judges.  

-Because YYCTOURS is Calgary's only local owned and operated tour company, we have great relationships with venues in Calgary.

At YYCTOURS work with YOU so that every event we host is about making sure that YOU, and your group, have an exceptional experience.  Our partners and YYCTOURS love to talk about anything to do with Beer, Wine, Cider or Spirits and by the end of each YYC tour, you will have not only learned more about what you are drinking (how it was made, where the ingredients came from and how to distinguish the good from the not so good), but a little about the great Calgary businesses and wonderfully creative people it takes to grow this community. 


The venues that YYCTOURS works with are all recognized community leaders in Alberta Craft scene and most often times they are award winners. So each YYCTOUR is sure to provide some of the best the city has to offer. 

What to Expect on a YYCTOURS Calgary Brewery Tour

Joining a YYCTours' Calgary Brewery Tour is more than a bunch of people jumping in a van and driving around to drink beer. It is also Calgary's only locally owned and operated educational brewery tour, and the only tour run by aspiring or certified Cicerones or Beer Judges. YYCTOURS takes pride in working with Alberta craft producers and sharing their story with our guests. YYCTOURS offers Winery Tours, Distillery Tours, Special Events and Charters. Our Calgary Brewery Tour focuses on an engaging experience where you not only get to sample great Calgary beer and fantastic Canadian craft products, you also get to learn about the breweries, their equipment and wonderful people. From large scale facilities to microbreweries and nanobreweries, we talk about the ingredients, where they come from and how they are used, we show you the process and explain with easy to follow information on how beer is made. We also provide stories about the history of beer and more about what makes Calgary's craft beer scene one of the most awarded in the country.


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